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Clean Lean Protein

What is the difference between Good Green Vitality and Clean Lean Protein?

Good Green Vitality is the gold standard in nutritional support. With a comprehensive blend of essential nutrients designed to help fill the gaps in our modern diet, it is a convenient solution to support all areas of health in one easy, daily serve.

I have a salicylates sensitivity - do you happen to know/ test for salicylates in the protein and if so how much is in it?

We currently do not test Clean Lean Protein for salicylate content specifically. However, our pea isolate in Clean Lean Protein is considered a low salicylate product given that it is made from peas, a low salicylate In addition, we can confirm that

I have issues with my digestion and need to take laxatives daily. Would Clean Lean Protein help me stop taking laxatives?

Despite not containing ingredients that specifically help to relieve constipation, Clean Lean Protein has a digestibility rating of 98%. Our patented water-based isolation process produces a protein that is gentle on the stomach and easily digested.

What is the difference between Good Green Vitality and Clean Lean Protein?

Good Green Vitality is the gold standard in nutritional support. With a comprehensive blend of essential nutrients designed to help fill the gaps in our modern diet, it is a convenient solution to support all areas of health in one easy, daily serve.

Is Clean Lean Protein easy to digest?

Clean Lean Protein is very easy to digest. Pea protein itself is gentle on the stomach and doesn’t cause the digestive discomfort often associated with dairy (whey or casein) or other plant proteins. Our patented There are no fillers, preservatives o

How much Clean Lean Protein should be consumed per day?

The guidelines for protein intake vary from country-to-country, however the World Health Organisation (WHO) suggests that the Safe Level of Protein (SLP) intake is 0.83g/kg of body weight per day. In a 60kg female, that would equate to 49.8g of prote

Can Clean Lean Protein be taken by those that have cancer?

Due to possible nutrient-drug interactions, it’s important that anyone with a pre-existing medical condition or taking medication consults with their health practitioner prior to commencing any nutritional supplements.

Can Clean Lean Protein be taken as a meal replacement?

Clean Lean Protein alone is not a meal replacement, it is simply a very clean, high-quality protein supplement that supports overall vitality, muscle recovery, and repair. To use Clean Lean Protein as a meal replacement, you would need to mix it with

How do i mix your products?

Simply add 2 scoops (25g) to 350ml water or milk of your choice and enjoy.

When is the best time to take Clean Lean Protein?

Clean Lean Protein can be consumed at any time of the day as a snack, in your smoothie, or as a training supplement. Research suggests that with adequate energy intake, protein supplements can be consumed pre- or post-training to stimulate lean muscl

Can Clean Lean Protein be used for muscle gain?

Protein supplementation, combined with resistance exercise training, is proven to significantly enhance muscle strength and gain in healthy people; and research shows that pea protein (e.g. Clean Lean Protein) has equal effect on muscle thickness as

Can Clean Lean Protein be used for weight loss?

Clean Lean Protein is not a weight loss product, however, protein supplementation is proven to promote weight loss by increasing satiety and regulating blood glucose levels to sustain energy. Coupled with a diet of whole foods and adequate exercise,

Can I mix Clean Lean Protein and Good Green Vitality together?

Yes! In fact we encourage it.